Channel Organizer


Channel Organizer shows data stored in various channels of Clipjump and performs basic functions to manage them.
It can be activated from the Action Mode using the key O but the user can also create a system-level shortcut for it through the Settings Editor.

The left side list shows all the channels you have created with their channel numbers. The topmost item in the list i.e. the blank item shows clips of all the channels when it is selected.
Users can right-click on the clip to view options that are available.
Many options have also been made accessible through buttons that are in between the two lists. The buttons do the common functions for both channels as well as clips and the top horizontal arrow indicates the direction for which other buttons will perform.

Options available like Insta-paste, edit clip, preview, search are all inspired from the History Tool.
You can edit clip's tags and fixate status using the Properties option in Context Menu. Make fixed = 1 in Properties to enable FIXATE option for a clip.

The New Clip button (Ctrl+N) can be used to create new clip in the currently selected channel. If all channels are selected i.e. the blank item, the clip is created in channel 0.

The Delete option currently doesn't support multi-selection so you will be available to delete only one item at a time.


Global Window Shortcuts

F5 - Refresh
Ctrl+N - Create new clip
Ctrl+Shift + N - Create new channel
Ctrl+G - Set focus to Active Channel list
Ctrl+F - Set focus to search box
Alt+A - Set focus to Channel list (on the left)
Alt+S - Set focus to Clips list
