Plugins are AutoHotkey scripts that are placed in the plugins folder in Clipjump.exe directory.
They can be accessed from the Plugin Manager that runs with the M key in Action Mode.
Plugin Manager
Plugin Manager is a small tool that lets you deal with currently installed plugins. You can access it with key M from Action Mode or from Tools submenu in Clipjump's Tray menu.
The UI is kept minimal and you have to right Click on a plugin row to show the various options available.
The Edit Option opens the plugin's source code. After making changes to a plugin or after adding a new plugin, restart Clipjump to make that plugin effective.
Installing a plugin
Simply copy the .ahk file with all other dependent files in the plugins directory and restart Clipjump. Note - Clipjump lists all plugins to use at ExitTime and not at runTime. Thus Restarting Clipjump after making changes to plugins is necessary.
TIP - To disable a plugin temporarily, create a folder named (for example) _Disabled in the plugins folder and move the plugin to it.
The API.runPlugin( plugin_file_name , param1 , param2 , param3 , ..... ) can be used to run a plugin.
If no parameter (param) is passed at all , then the user will be automatically asked for the needed number of parameters. Below are suitable examples -
If you know the AutoHotkey language, you won't take a minute starting creating your first plugins. If you are not familiar with AutoHotkey, I recommended
trying it as it is the ever so easy and suprisingly powerful programming langauge. You won't regret.
See Plugins Basics